Sunday, January 2, 2011



Mental capabilities of a man like understanding, intelligence and analytic powers differentiate him from animals. The power of understanding helps in learning and power of analysis/discrimination helps in developing innovating techniques and problem solving skills. The purpose of the human beings can only be achieved if they have mental capabilities. The brain is the part of the body which provides fruition of mental capabilities. Therefore the brain, which is ruled by the first house and the sign Aries, is the most important functional part of the human body. The power of understanding is governed by the strength of the third and fourth house and the Moon. The intelligence is governed by the fifth house and the Sun and the power of analysis/discrimination is governed by the strength of the planet Mercury.

The weakness of and affliction to the lagna, the third, fourth and fifth houses, the Moon, the Sun and Mercury retard the growth of the mental capabilities and cause suffering to a native by denying the power of learning, acquiring intelligence and doing analytical work during the sub-period of weak and afflicted significators. The weakness of planets/houses only delays and makes them more vulnerable to natal and transit afflictions. Whereas affliction tries to destroy, deny and cause sufferings to their significations. On the functional and/or physical side, it causes diseases like epilepsy, brain hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, etc.

CHART 1: Male born 31st March, 1960, 0759 Hrs., Gurgaon (India)

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the ascendant turns weak due to the close affliction of the most effective point of the house of its placement. The lord of the fourth house, the Moon, is weak as it is in infancy and exactly afflicted by Rahu from the sixth house. The lord of the fifth house, the Sun, is weak as it is badly placed. Mercury closely aspects and afflicts the most effective point of the fifth house. Saturn is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is closely afflicted by Mercury. Venus and Mercury are weak as their dispositor is weak. Jupiter is the only planet which is strong and placed in its own mooltrikona house. At birth the native was running the main period of the Sun, ruling the fifth house. The main period of the Sun was followed by the main period of the Moon, which is severely afflicted in the chart. The native, though having a good physical health, is mentally retarded and could not study even up to the middle standard.

CHART 2: Male born 6th March, 1972, 1320 Hrs, New Delhi, India.

The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. The fourth house is ruled by Mercury which is weak for being debilitated. Mercury becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Ketu. The Moon is absolutely weak as it is badly placed, debilitated and in extreme infancy. The Sun, representing intelligence, is weak as its dispositor is weak. Saturn is weak as it is badly placed. It becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Rahu from the eighth house. The Sun, the Moon and Mercury are all quite weak. When the native was of just ten months, the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Jupiter started. Then the main period of weak and afflicted Saturn started. First of all, Saturn had its own sub-period in its own main period. The following sub-periods of weak and afflicted Mercury and of Ketu, which is afflicting Mercury, caused numerous health problems to the native and turned him mentally retarded. The parents, too, had fairly bad time as the fourth house, the ninth house, the Sun and the Moon representing parents, are all weak, and the lords of these houses are both afflicted.

CHART 3: Male born 5th December, 1976, 1005 Hrs., Bhiwani, India.

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Sun and Jupiter become also functional malefic planets. The Moon is weak as it is in infancy and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. It becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Jupiter. Mercury is weak as it is badly placed, in infancy and occupies the mooltrikona sign of weak Jupiter. Venus is weak as it is in infancy, it is exactly afflicted by Jupiter and its house of placement is also exactly afflicted. Saturn is weak as its dispositor is weak. Jupiter is weak as it is in infancy, debilitated in navamsa and its house of placement is exactly afflicted by itself. Mars, being lord of the fourth house, is weak as it is combust and the most effective point of its house of placement is afflicted by Jupiter. Mars is additionally weak for being closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, the Sun. The Sun is weak as the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The most effective points of the ascendant and the fifth house are exactly afflicted by Jupiter.

All factors, the ascendant, the Moon, Mercury, the Sun, the fourth house and the fifth house are weak. The native had the main period of the weak lord of the eighth house in operation at the time of birth followed by the main period of the weak and afflicted Moon and weak and afflicted Mars. The native had retarded physical and mental growth.

CHART 4: Male born 3rd July, 1981, 1500 Hrs., New Delhi, India.

The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The Moon is weak as it is closely afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. Venus, the lord of the ascendant, is weak as its dispositor is weak. Venus becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. Jupiter, ruling growth, is weak as it is badly placed, occupies the mooltrikona sign of weak Mercury and is exactly afflicted by Ketu. Saturn, ruling intelligence, is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated in navamsa and its dispositor is weak. Saturn becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Ketu. Mercury is weak as it is in infancy. Mars is weak as it is badly placed and in old age. The Sun is the only strong planet in this nativity. The sub-periods of Venus, the Moon, Mars and Rahu in the main period of badly placed and afflicted Saturn were detrimental to the physical and mental health of the child. The next main period of the functional malefic planet, Mercury did not indicate any improvement. The child was mentally retarded and had been a hydrocephalic requiring many surgical operations from time to time. The native saw the end of life in the sub-period of Mercury in its own main period after experiencing all types of physical sufferings.

CHART 5: Male born 10th January, 1983, 1253 Hrs., New Delhi, India.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the ascendant, Mars, is weak as it is in infancy and its dispositor is weak. Saturn is weak as it is exactly afflicted by Rahu. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected, except the seventh house as Venus is strong. Mercury, ruling analytical power, is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa. The Moon, ruling the fourth house, is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated in rasi and debilitated in navamsa. Jupiter is weak as it is badly placed. The Sun, ruling the fifth house and intelligence, is weak as it is in old age and its dispositor is weak. At birth the native was in the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of weak and afflicted, Saturn. This was followed by the sub-period of weak Jupiter. These sub-periods posed many health problems to the native. During the sub-period of Mercury in its own main period the child started suffering from epileptic fits, which were aggravated in the following sub-period of Ketu. The propitiatory and strengthening remedial measures were suggested for the afflicting and weak planets, respectively, to prevent recurrence of fits. The performance of astral remedies did show improvement but the mental growth of the child remained semi-retarded.

CHART 6: Female born 10th July, 1986, 1312 Hrs., Delhi, India.

The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. Venus, the lord of the ascendant, is weak as it is in infancy and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis within an orb of two degrees. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected including the ascendant. The Moon is weak as it is in old-age, and becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Rahu. Saturn, ruling intellect, is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted by Ketu. Mercury, ruling analytical power, is weak as its dispositor is weak. Jupiter ruling growth is weak as it is in old-age and its dispositor is weak. The child was born in the main period of functional malefic planet, Mercury. During early childhood, she remained mentally retarded and was suffering from epileptic fits. The propitiatory and strengthening remedial measures were suggested for the afflicting and weak planets, respectively. The performance of the astral remedies did show improvement.

CHART 7: Male born 3rd October, 1988, 0130 Hrs., Delhi, India.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn become also functional malefic planets. The Moon, being lord of the ascendant, is weak as it is badly placed, and becomes additionally weak as it is closely afflicted by Rahu from the eighth house. The lord of the third house, Mercury, ruling growth is weak as it is in infancy, its dispositor is weak and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The Sun is weak as its dispositor is weak and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The Sun becomes additionally weak as it is closely afflicted by Jupiter. Venus, the lord of the fourth house, too, is weak as it is in infancy and its dispositor is weak. The most effective points of the eleventh, third and fifth houses are exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The third and eleventh houses rule ears. The exact affliction to the most effective points of these houses with weakness of the third lord turned the child deaf and dumb which resulted in mental retardation. The child was born in the sub-period of the weak and afflicted Sun in the main period of Rahu. The child started suffering from epileptic fits. The propitiatory and strengthening remedial measures were suggested for the afflicting and weak planets, respectively. The performance of the astrological remedial measures did show some improvement in the case of epileptic fits. The child also started responding to the treatment for his dumbness.

CHART 8: Male born 15th November, 1953, 0455 Hrs.,Delhi, India.

The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected including the fourth and sixth houses. Mercury, ruling analytical faculties, is weak as it is combust and in old-age. The debilitated and old-aged Sun is exactly afflicted by Mercury. The Moon is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is under the multiple affliction of Rahu-Ketu axis within an orb of two degrees. Jupiter, ruling the house of growth, is weak as it is in infancy. The lord of the ascendant and the fifth house are strong in this chart. The native first experienced mental ill health during the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Rahu as Mercury is closely afflicting the weak Sun. Slowly and slowly the native started suffering from epileptic fits. The strength of Venus and Saturn helped the native through medication and the performance of astrological remedial measures.

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