"Horoscope Analysis / Interpretation for Timing of Marriage & Relationship"
Diverse applications of astrology include the aspect of timing of Marriage & Relationship. While the “Timing of Marriage & Relationship” is done with the help of the sub-periods and the triple transit triggering influence of planets in the natal chart, the natal promise is ascertained from the birth chart.
The analysis on this website is done with the help of Systems'Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes (SA) propounded by Author and Astrologer,
V. K. Choudhry. SA is a set of principles which gives fast, nearly accurate and clear results. SA takes you out of the confusions, contradictions and inconsistencies which have crept in the classical literature over the period of time before the advent of the printing technology.
The basis of Vedic Astrology is the Karma theory based on the premise that the planetary influences in the natal chart are the results of one’s deeds of past lives. The ascendant establishes the functional nature of planets. The Moon sets the clock in motion. The type of karma, one is destined to, is deciphered from the nature of influences on the tenth house, lord of the tenth house, the Sun and Jupiter.
Birth chart analysis, as per Systems’ Approach, depend upon the following factors:
The functional nature of planets is the key analytical factor in the horoscope analysis. Besides Rahu and Ketu, the planets, whose mooltrikona signs are in malefic houses (sixth, eighth and twelfth) with reference to the ascendant, act as functional malefic planets in a nativity. For this purpose, under the Systems' Approach the sign Cancer is considered as the mooltrikona sign of the Moon.
For various ascending signs, the functional malefic planets are mentioned hereunder:
1. Aries : Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
2. Taurus : Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.
3. Gemini : Rahu and Ketu.
4. Cancer : Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
5. Leo : The Moon, Rahu and Ketu.
6. Virgo : Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu.
7. Libra : Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
8. Scorpio : Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.
9. Sagittarius : The Moon, Rahu and Ketu.
10. Capricorn : The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
11. Aquarius : The Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
12. Pisces : The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
The functional nature of any planet depends on the nature of the mooltrikona house of that planet. It is not related to the strength of the planet. A planet may be weak or strong but the functional nature will remain same as per the defined principle for identifying the functional nature of planets.
In exceptional cases, when Rahu is well placed in a mooltrikona sign of a planet, without causing any conjunction or close aspect with other houses and planets and its dispositor is strong, Rahu gives good results during its sub-periods for materialistic prosperity. Rahu-Ketu, when exalted, give materialist benefits while debilitated Rahu involves the native in exposed scandals and acute physical sufferings.
It is very necessary to understand the difference between afflicting planets and afflicted planets.
All planets can become afflicted, but only the functional malefic planets can be afflicting planets.
A transit functional malefic planet will afflict always its natal position by conjunction or aspect, except when placed in its own mooltrikona house in rasi/birth chart. A natal/transit functional malefic planet never afflicts its own mooltrikona house, except when the functional malefic planet is already afflicted and/or afflicts from a dusthana/malefic house.
In the case of influence of functional malefic planets over MEPs/planets simultaneously strong in rasi and transit, the orb is one degree on either side for normal afflictions and two degrees on either side for special/multiple afflictions, while in the case of MEPs/planets either weak in rasi or in transit, the orb is five degrees on either side.
In the case of influence of strong functional benefic planets over MEPs/planets simultaneously strong in rasi and transit, the orb is five degrees on either side, while in the case of MEPs/planets either weak in rasi or in transit, the orb is one degree on either side. Under the influence of natal/transit functional malefic planets, all planets get malefically influenced. The maximum influence of the transit or natal conjunction/aspect is when it is within one degree on either side. As soon as the transit influence starts separating, the influence starts tapering down. It is very important to see the strength of the planet on which the transit influence is being studied. For example, if the Sun, being the lord of the fourth house and being a functional benefic planet, is placed in the fourth house and its longitude is eleven degrees and is strong, the functional malefic influence of Jupiter, the most malefic planet for the Taurus ascendant, will be effective when Jupiter is between 9 degrees and 13 degrees in the signs Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius or Aries, while the single functional malefic influence of Mars will be effective when Mars is between 10 degrees and 12 degrees in the signs Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius or Taurus, because the Sun is strong in the natal chart. Please do not forget to consider the transit strength of this Sun. If the Sun in a Taurus nativity is placed in the sign Libra at a longitude of five degrees then the transit influence of Jupiter over it would be effective whenever Jupiter transits from zero degrees to 10 degrees in Libra, Aquarius, Aries or Gemini, and the transit influence of Mars over it would be effective whenever Mars transits from zero degrees to 10 degrees in Libra, Pisces, Aries or Cancer. However, once the longitude of the transit Jupiter or the transit Mars is 5 degrees, the transit influence would start separating and tapering down but it will clear the affliction only when their longitude is over ten degrees, assuming they are in direct movement. The orb of affliction for a non-mooltrikona house is five degrees on either side of the most effective point. We hope the readers are able to understand this dimension for better analysis.
A weak natal planet is not capable of fully protecting/promoting its general significations and the significations of its mooltrikona house during the course of its sub-periods and during the triple transit functional malefic influences. By descending order of weakness, any planet becomes weak when:
1) The most effective point of its mooltrikona sign is afflicted by a functional malefic planet within an orb of one degree.
2) The most effective point of its house of placement is afflicted by a functional malefic planet within an orb of one degree.
3) It is conjunct or aspected by any functional malefic planet within an orb of one degree.
4) It is combust due to its nearness to the Sun.
5) It occupies malefic houses from the ascendant, except if in its own mooltrikona sign.
6) It occupies its sign of debilitation.
7) It is in the state of infancy or old-age.
8) It occupies its debilitated sign in navamsa.
9) It occupies the mooltrikona sign of a weak planet.
10) It is the Moon within 72 degrees either side of the Sun. However, this is a minor weakness.
NOTE: In serial nos. (1) to (3) above, when the affliction is special or multiple i.e. when it comes from:
1) a conjunction with/ aspect from the most malefic planet,
2) an aspect from a functional malefic planet placed in a dusthana,
3) a conjunction with Rahu or Ketu (Rahu-Ketu axis)
4) an aspect of a functional malefic planet afflicted by other(s) functional malefic planet,
5) more than one functional malefic planet at the same time,
Then the otherwise "strong" planet should be considered afflicted (and weak) even when the orb of affliction is of two degrees.
Marriage & Relationship fructify in the sub-periods of planets signifying marriage/relationship. Therefore, it is very important that we understand the method of analyzing the dasa (main period) and bhukti (sub-period) results. The results of the general significations of the sub-period lord depend upon its strength, placement, conjunction and aspects to the same. The significations of the house of placement are touched when transit planets create benefic or malefic influences on the sub-period lord, depending upon their functional nature whether benefic or malefic. In the sub-period of a planet, the following significations are touched:
(1) The general significations of the planet. For example the Sun rules father, social status, position with the government, male child, digestive system, heart, blood pressure, etc.
(2) The significations of the house where the mooltrikona sign of the said planet is placed. In case in the mooltrikona house some functional malefic planet is placed close to the most effective point, or some functional malefic planet is closely aspecting the most effective point of the said house, or some planet is closely afflicted then during the sub-periods of the afflicting and afflicted planet(s) the significations of the mooltrikona house shall not prosper and shall face problems indicated by the afflicting planet depending upon its lordship. A natal/transit functional malefic planet never afflicts its own mooltrikona house, except when the functional malefic planet is already afflicted and/or afflicts from a dusthana/malefic house.
(3) The significations of the houses where the planet is placed.
(4) During the sub-period of a planet all the impacts on the house, which contains the mooltrikona sign of the said planet, also come into force. Due to such influences on the most effective point by a strong functional benefic planet even the sub-period of a weak planet would be blessing the native with good or very good results. Similarly, a close impact of a functional malefic planet on the most effective point of a mooltrikona house may not allow the planet ruling that mooltrikona house to show good results in its sub-periods even if the said planet is strong in the natal chart.
(1) The lord of the seventh house. In case there is no mooltrikona sign in the seventh house, then the lord of the houses signifying marriage ( the second, fourth, eighth or twelfth house containing mooltrikona sign) are considered.
For various ascendants the following planets are prime determinant of marriage:-
Aries Venus
Taurus The Sun
Gemini Jupiter
Cancer The Sun
Leo Saturn
Virgo Venus
Libra Mars
Scorpio Jupiter
Sagittarius The Moon
Capricorn The Moon
Aquarius The Sun
Pisces Mercury
(2) Venus and Jupiter are significators of marriage for males and females, respectively.
(3) The planets closely influencing the most effective point of the house(s) signifying marriage or their lords act as secondary determinants of marriage.
Marriage can take place in the sub-periods of the strong planets placed in the houses signifying marriage. These planets become additional secondary significators of marriage.
If the prime determinant and the significator of marriage are strong and there is no affliction to the most effective points of the houses signifying marriage, the marriage takes place at the appropriate time. The good strength of Venus hastens the process. The delay is caused by:
(1) The close influence of the functional malefic planets or the most malefic planet on the prime determinant and secondary significators for marriage;
(2) Prime determinant of marriage being weak or badly placed and/or afflicted by the most malefic or a functional malefic planet.
(3) When the prime determinants and secondary determinant(s) are weak and/or are afflicted.
(4) When the lords of the eighth and/or twelfth houses containing a mooltrikona sign are weak, badly placed and are afflicted.
The influence of the functional malefic planets delays while the influence of the most malefic planet (MMP) delays inordinately and/or denies. The malefic influence of the MMP cannot be mellowed without persistent performance of the appropriate astral remedies. If there is a mooltrikona sign in the eighth house from the ascendant, its lord is called MMP. In case there is no mooltrikona sign in the eighth house, then the role of the MMP is played by the lord of the twelfth house containing the mooltrikona sign. In case there is no mooltrikona sign in the twelfth house, as well, then the role of the MMP is played by Ketu.
To expedite and ensure greater possibility of the desired event two way application of astral remedies are made:
a) Strengthening of weak functional benefic planets.
Special Power Kavach for Strengthening of Weak Birth Planets
Strengthening of Weak Planets Through Kavach/Amulet
b) Propitiation of afflicting/functional malefic planets.
Propitiation of Planets Monthly Service details at our website for special propitiation remedies of Planets.
The readers can study further analytical techniques from our books:
1. Systems’Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes (Fourth revised and updated Edition released recently).
2. Predictive Techniques and Application of Astrological Remedial measures (Second revised and updated Edition).
The readers can also make free online horoscopes for the case studies mentioned above from our website www.YourNetAstrologer.com
Horoscope Analysis for Mental Capabilities, Horoscope Interpretation for marital discord, Horoscope judgement for heart diseases, Horoscope interpretation for yogas and Kalsarpa Yoga impact, Horoscope Analysis for timing marriage.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Myth and Impact of Kaal Sarpa/ Kalsarpa/Kala Sarpa Yoga or Dosha in Astrology
What is a Yoga?
The planetary combinations (yogas) in a horoscope are generated through (i) close conjunctions & close aspects of two or more planets in a natal chart and placements of planet(s) in a particular house or within planets or within houses.
Auspicious Yogas/Rajyogas/Dhanayogas
When two or more strong functional benefic planets form close relationship among themselves or with the most effective points of benefic houses, they generate good results related to their mooltrikona houses.
The Impact of inauspicious Yoga in Astrology
When a yoga is formed due to close conjunction/aspect of two or more functional malefic planets it is known as an inauspicious yoga. If two functional malefic planets form a close relationship, they cause an inauspicious yoga and destroy the results related to their mooltrikona houses. If one functional benefic planet and one functional malefic planet form a close relationship, this causes an inauspicious yoga that destroys the results of the mooltrikona house ruled by the functional benefic planet. When a functional benefic planet occupies a malefic house, this causes yoga for misfortune related to the significations of its mooltrikona house. Similarly, when a functional malefic planet closely influences the most effective point of a house, it destroys the significations of that house and the houses aspected, except the house which is its own mooltrikona house.
The Impact of Yoga/Dhanyoga/Rajyoga in Astrology
The impact of Rajyogas and Dhanayogas accrues only if the planets involved are strong. Whenever, the planets ruling benefic houses conjoin or mutually aspect closely, they form good yoga (say Rajyogas) connected with the indications of both the houses involved, provided they are strong. The involvement of a planet ruling the house of income and/or wealth produces a Dhanayoga. In other words, mere location of a planet or a set of planets in a particular sign or house without creating a close relationship through a close conjunction or aspect does not result into any yoga.
When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu, the Kaal Sarpa Yoga is said to be formed as per the classical literature. Complete Kaal Sarpa yoga is said to be formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. If even one planet is outside the Rahu and Ketu axis, there is no Kaal Sarpa Yoga. The results of mishaps, obstructions, vulnerability to black magic type tricks, etc. are attributed to the Kaal Sarpa Yoga.
Until and unless any functional malefic planet(s) forms a close conjunction or aspect with other planet(s) or house(s) they do not produce any Duryoga or even Kalsarpa yoga even if the technical planetary influences explained in the preceding paragraph are found in the natal horoscope.
The misnomer "Kaal Sarpa Yoga" or "Kala Sarpa Yoga" or "Kal Sarpa Yoga" or "Kaal Sarpa Dosha" or "Kala Sarpa Dosha" or "Kal Sarpa Doshaa"is being propagated by those persons who have failed to correctly identify the functional nature of planets in various nativities and have not been able to pin point the reasons for miseries. Any chart containing the so-called Kaal Sarpa Yoga or "Kaal Sarpa Dosha" will not give bad results until and unless Rahu-Ketu or other functional malefic planets cause severe conjunctions or aspects with weak planets or houses in that particular nativity.
Under the Systems' Approach, the analysis is always done with reference to the placement of planets, their strength and weaknesses and their mutual relationship with reference to the ascendant, and its most effective point in particular.
What is a Yoga?
The planetary combinations (yogas) in a horoscope are generated through (i) close conjunctions & close aspects of two or more planets in a natal chart and placements of planet(s) in a particular house or within planets or within houses.
Auspicious Yogas/Rajyogas/Dhanayogas
When two or more strong functional benefic planets form close relationship among themselves or with the most effective points of benefic houses, they generate good results related to their mooltrikona houses.
The Impact of inauspicious Yoga in Astrology
When a yoga is formed due to close conjunction/aspect of two or more functional malefic planets it is known as an inauspicious yoga. If two functional malefic planets form a close relationship, they cause an inauspicious yoga and destroy the results related to their mooltrikona houses. If one functional benefic planet and one functional malefic planet form a close relationship, this causes an inauspicious yoga that destroys the results of the mooltrikona house ruled by the functional benefic planet. When a functional benefic planet occupies a malefic house, this causes yoga for misfortune related to the significations of its mooltrikona house. Similarly, when a functional malefic planet closely influences the most effective point of a house, it destroys the significations of that house and the houses aspected, except the house which is its own mooltrikona house.
The Impact of Yoga/Dhanyoga/Rajyoga in Astrology
The impact of Rajyogas and Dhanayogas accrues only if the planets involved are strong. Whenever, the planets ruling benefic houses conjoin or mutually aspect closely, they form good yoga (say Rajyogas) connected with the indications of both the houses involved, provided they are strong. The involvement of a planet ruling the house of income and/or wealth produces a Dhanayoga. In other words, mere location of a planet or a set of planets in a particular sign or house without creating a close relationship through a close conjunction or aspect does not result into any yoga.
When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu, the Kaal Sarpa Yoga is said to be formed as per the classical literature. Complete Kaal Sarpa yoga is said to be formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. If even one planet is outside the Rahu and Ketu axis, there is no Kaal Sarpa Yoga. The results of mishaps, obstructions, vulnerability to black magic type tricks, etc. are attributed to the Kaal Sarpa Yoga.
Until and unless any functional malefic planet(s) forms a close conjunction or aspect with other planet(s) or house(s) they do not produce any Duryoga or even Kalsarpa yoga even if the technical planetary influences explained in the preceding paragraph are found in the natal horoscope.
The misnomer "Kaal Sarpa Yoga" or "Kala Sarpa Yoga" or "Kal Sarpa Yoga" or "Kaal Sarpa Dosha" or "Kala Sarpa Dosha" or "Kal Sarpa Doshaa"is being propagated by those persons who have failed to correctly identify the functional nature of planets in various nativities and have not been able to pin point the reasons for miseries. Any chart containing the so-called Kaal Sarpa Yoga or "Kaal Sarpa Dosha" will not give bad results until and unless Rahu-Ketu or other functional malefic planets cause severe conjunctions or aspects with weak planets or houses in that particular nativity.
Under the Systems' Approach, the analysis is always done with reference to the placement of planets, their strength and weaknesses and their mutual relationship with reference to the ascendant, and its most effective point in particular.
Inclinations for sensual or lascivious pleasures stem from strong emotional nature and courage. The fifth house, its lord and the Moon govern the emotions and make a person highly emotional by their influence on the ascendant, the fifth or the seventh houses. The third lord and Mars govern the courage. Rahu and the lords of the twelfth and eighth houses signify cravings for pleasures and for sensual pleasures when closely connected with Venus, the Moon, the eighth house, the ascendant or the seventh house. Rahu, Venus and the lord of the eighth house when connected with the factors of emotions and courage give passions for love during their operating sub-periods and the natives strive for the fulfillment of desires of sensual pleasures leaving all social norms, disregarding the age of the person, whether an unmarried youth or a young person or one in advanced age and disregarding the sex of the person whether a male or a female. The weakness of Jupiter and ninth house are additional contributing factors. The close influence of Rahu on factors governing sexual matters usually gives lust and seldom results in marriage with the partner involved in such affairs. The placement of the fifth lord in the seventh or eighth house or vice-versa gives primarily deep inclinations for sensual pleasures. Delay in marriage due to weakness of the prime indicators of marriage and afflictions, give rise to pre-marital affairs. Under the Systems’ Approach, the lordship attributed to each planet always refers to the mooltrikona house of that planet only and influence means a close conjunction or a close aspect. The analysis is made only with reference to ascendant.
For better understanding through case studies, readers may refer to my website.
For better understanding through case studies, readers may refer to my website.
The medical astrology, which is a branch of astrology, is one of the various facets of the divine science of astrology for the benefit of the mankind and it is fully competent to answer our questions regarding health i.e. (1) to what type of diseases a native may be vulnerable to; (2) when; (3) whether it will respond to medical treatment; and (4) preventive measures. The analysis based on Systems’ Approach clearly indicates the status of health. The health is one of the various aspects of life and heart disease is a part thereof. The natal chart of a person can indicate whether a person is likely to have a heart disease and if so, at what age. For detailed study of the status of health, the readers may refer to my book, “MANAGE YOUR HEALTH THROUGH PREVENTIVE ASTRAL REMEDIES”.
First of all we identify the planets. The lord of the ascendant and/or the lord of the sixth house containing a mooltrikona sign is/are the prime indicators of health. The lord of the fourth house is the secondary indicator so far as the heart disease is concerned. The planets, the Sun and the Moon are the primary and secondary significators for a heart disease, respectively. The Moon governs the blood and represents all functions in human body. Other contributory planets are Mars, ruling the muscular parts, and Jupiter, governing the arteries.
If the prime indicators and/or the fourth house containing a mooltrikona sign are weak and the most effective points of the first, sixth and/or fourth houses are afflicted, the person would be vulnerable to a heart disease.
Since the Moon and Mercury are weak quite often and, in case of Aries rising, the Moon becomes secondary indicator/significator for heart condition and Mercury becomes prime indicator of health, it makes Arians vulnerable to heart problems if Mars too is weak. Such natives would better use preventive astral remedies to take care.
EXAMINING THE OPERATIONAL PLANETSThe close conjunction/aspect of the functional malefic planets with the weak prime indicator(s) of health and/or the primary or secondary significators for a heart disease will indicate the heart disease in the operational sub-periods of the functional malefic planets in the periods of weak prime indicator(s) and/or weak significators at an early stage of life. The indications of the timing are given also by the operating sub-periods of weak and afflicted prime indicators of health and/or weak and afflicted primary or secondary significators.
The involvement of Mars as functional malefic planet, the lord of the sixth house ruling injuries and Ketu create the eventualities for operations and the absence of their involvement enables the native to respond to symptomatic treatment.
The effect of the triple transit triggering influence of malefics is seen over the natal/transit weak indicators meticulously to forewarn the person.
First of all we identify the planets. The lord of the ascendant and/or the lord of the sixth house containing a mooltrikona sign is/are the prime indicators of health. The lord of the fourth house is the secondary indicator so far as the heart disease is concerned. The planets, the Sun and the Moon are the primary and secondary significators for a heart disease, respectively. The Moon governs the blood and represents all functions in human body. Other contributory planets are Mars, ruling the muscular parts, and Jupiter, governing the arteries.
If the prime indicators and/or the fourth house containing a mooltrikona sign are weak and the most effective points of the first, sixth and/or fourth houses are afflicted, the person would be vulnerable to a heart disease.
Since the Moon and Mercury are weak quite often and, in case of Aries rising, the Moon becomes secondary indicator/significator for heart condition and Mercury becomes prime indicator of health, it makes Arians vulnerable to heart problems if Mars too is weak. Such natives would better use preventive astral remedies to take care.
EXAMINING THE OPERATIONAL PLANETSThe close conjunction/aspect of the functional malefic planets with the weak prime indicator(s) of health and/or the primary or secondary significators for a heart disease will indicate the heart disease in the operational sub-periods of the functional malefic planets in the periods of weak prime indicator(s) and/or weak significators at an early stage of life. The indications of the timing are given also by the operating sub-periods of weak and afflicted prime indicators of health and/or weak and afflicted primary or secondary significators.
The involvement of Mars as functional malefic planet, the lord of the sixth house ruling injuries and Ketu create the eventualities for operations and the absence of their involvement enables the native to respond to symptomatic treatment.
The effect of the triple transit triggering influence of malefics is seen over the natal/transit weak indicators meticulously to forewarn the person.
Marital discord is a universal problem all over the world. The reasons can be many including the economical, lack of physical and psychological compatibility, extra-marital relations, aggressive attitude of husband/wife, selfish nature of the husband/wife, etc. There are marriages which survive in spite of all the problems mentioned above with some amount of inharmonious relationship and yet there are others which cannot bear the strains and end in divorce. The reasons can be traced to the operating sub-period of the planet indicating marital discord. The problems in marriage are shown by the affliction(s) caused by the functional malefic planet(s) to one or more of the following weak planets/houses:
- The most effective point of the houses signifying marriage, which are the seventh, second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses.
- The determinants of marriage i.e. the planets ruling the mooltrikona houses signifying marriage.
- Jupiter as significator for the husband.
- Venus as significator for wife and general significator of marriage.
- The sign Libra, which is the seventh house of the natural zodiac.
The weak planets delay the marriage while the close or exact afflictions to weak planets becoming indicators of marriage cause marriage problems.
The functional malefic planets, especially Mars, the lord of the sixth house or Ketu forming relationship either with the ascendant, the seventh or second or fourth house or their lords make the native aggressive and ill-tempered if the benefic influence of strong functional benefic planets is absent. Rahu or Ketu joining hands closely with the functional malefic planet, Mars, make the native/spouse stray and that becomes the reason for the discord. The selfish nature of any of the married partners is governed by the weakness of Jupiter. The debilitated planets in second house close to the most effective point or the lord of the second in debilitation also indicate marital discord.
The marital discord has two dimensions: a peaceful separation/divorce or quarrels/disputes followed by criminal law-suits. The separations and loss of happy married life are caused by the functional malefic planets whenever they closely influence the house(s) signifying marriage and/or the determinant planet(s) and/or the significator planet(s). When such a planetary relationship/influence is developed by the involvement of the lord of the sixth house or the lords of the ascendant, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house joining the sixth house start operating, disputes leading to criminal law-suits followed by divorce start.
Let us discuss the matter further through some case studies:
CHART 1: Male born 10th April, 1948, 0403 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Aquarius rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon and Mercury become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the eighth house is debilitated and placed in the second house. The lord of the seventh house is weak as it is in old-age. The lords of the third house and ascendant are placed in the sixth house. The lord of the sixth house is placed in the third house. The planetary configuration of third and ascendant lords in the sixth and sixth lord in third house makes the person quarrelsome, especially when one runs the sub-periods of the planets involved. The native saw the main periods of both the Moon and Mars and saw enormous incidence of disputes in life with all concerned. The placement of the most malefic planet in the second house gave him problems in the marital relationships. The native was also involved in the marital disputes and his marriage ended in a divorce.
CHART 2: Female born 21st January, 1963, 2000 Hrs, New Delhi, India.
The sign Leo rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon becomes also a functional malefic planet. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and exactly afflict all the houses occupied and aspected besides closely afflicting both the lord of the ascendant and the second house placed in the sixth house. Venus and the Moon are weak as the most effective point of their house of placement is exactly afflicted by the aspect of Rahu from the twelfth house. Venus is additionally weak by being closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, the Moon. The lord of the seventh house is weak as it is combust, badly placed and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. Jupiter is weak as its dispositor is weak. Mars is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated, in the state of old-age, has a weak dispositor and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. There are four planets in the house of disputes which clearly show the incidence of disputes in married life as the lords of the second and seventh houses are also involved. Aiding the negative combinations was operation of the main period of the afflicted Venus. During the sub-period of the afflicted Sun, placed in the sixth house, the marital relationship became inharmonious. The following sub-periods of the Moon, Mars and Rahu did not favor any improvement. The inharmonious relationship and separation continued. The native, who approached for astrological help, was advised not to go in for a divorce as the natal configurations do not show improvement in any further marital alliance, as well. Therefore, for improving the relationship in the present marital alliance, she was suggested remedial measures for warding off the evil influences of the functional malefic planets and strengthening of the weak planets.
CHART 3: Female 12th October, 1962, 2222 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. The lord of the ninth house, Saturn, is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated in navamsa and is under the multiple affliction of Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the seventh house is weak as its dispositor is weak. Venus is weak as it is badly placed and is in infancy. The lord of the second house, the Moon, is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is under the multiple afflictions of Rahu and Ketu. The Moon is additionally weak by being closely afflicted in the rasi chart. Mars is debilitated and occupies the afflicted second house. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected. Mercury, the lord of the fourth house, is under the special affliction of Ketu from the eighth house. Besides the above mentioned afflictions to the planets, the affliction to the most effective points of the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses caused disturbance in marital relationship and resulted in a serious marital discord. During the sub-period of Mars, the inharmonious relationship started which was aggravated in the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Ketu. During the sub-period of the weak lord of the seventh house, the divorce proceedings were started which were finalised in the sub-period of Saturn.
CHART 4: Male born 5th September, 1960, 1643 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Sun and Jupiter become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the second house is weak as it is badly placed and its dispositor is weak. The lord of the ninth house, dispositor of Venus, is weak as it is badly placed. The lord of the seventh house, the Moon, is weak as its dispositor is weak and it is exactly afflicted by the most malefic planet, the Sun, from the eighth house. The lords of the seventh, eighth, ninth and second houses are closely afflicted by the close conjunction/aspect of Rahu/Ketu. Venus, the significator for wife, is weak as it is debilitated and its dispositor is weak. Since in this chart the determinants of marriage and the significator of marriage are all weak and some of them are also afflicted, the problems of inharmonious relations started right from the beginning of the sub-period of Venus, in the main period of Saturn. In the following sub-period of the afflicted Sun, the behavior of the wife went from bad to worse. The divorce took place in the sub-period of Rahu which causes multiple and grave afflictions in the chart. Whenever a particular significator is in its sign of debilitation, the concerned relations fail to fulfill the aspirations of the native.
CHART 5: Male born 1st October, 1959, 0700 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Saturn, Mars and the Sun become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the second house is badly placed in the twelfth house and is weak. Rahu and Ketu closely afflict the lord of the twelfth house. The most malefic planet, Mars, exactly afflicts the house occupied and houses aspected besides exactly afflicting the lord of the ascendant. The Moon is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated in navamsa and its dispositor is weak. The lord of the sixth house occupies the fourth house. Ketu closely influences the lord of the fourth house. In view of the weakness of the lord of the second house and the exact afflictions of Mars to the most effective points of various houses connected with marital affairs, the length of married life was cut short for a period of four months only. The divorce took place immediately after the marriage, in the sub-period of Rahu in its own main period.
CHART 6: Male born 8th October, 1951, 0455 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Saturn, Mars and the Sun become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the second house is weak as it is badly placed and is closely afflicted by Mars, Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the ascendant is weak as it is combust and is closely afflicted by functional malefic planets, Saturn and the Sun. The lord of the sixth house is weak as it is combust. The Moon and Jupiter are strong in the chart. The native married during the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Mars, at the age of 30 years. In spite of all efforts of the native to keep the wife pleased with all types of material comforts and possessions, the relations remained inharmonious from the very beginning due to the operation of the sub-period of the sixth lord. The disputes aggravated in the sub-period of Ketu and the wife deserted the native with a permanent separation. The divorce proceedings were initiated towards the end of the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Rahu.
CHART 6: Female born 5th May, 1959, 1204 Hrs., Ludhiana, India.
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the eighth house, ruling the marital tie is placed in the house of disputes. Rahu closely aspects the most effective point of the seventh house and afflicts the same. The lord of the fourth house, Venus, is weak as it is in infancy and is badly placed. The lord of the third house, Mercury, is weak as it is debilitated. As Mercury is dispositor of Rahu, which afflicts the seventh house, the impact of Rahu becomes more serious. Mars, the dispositor of the Sun, is weak as it is badly placed. The lord of the second house, the Sun, is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa and its dispositor is weak. The weakness of the lords of the second, fourth and eighth houses, affliction to the most effective point of the seventh house and the placement of the lord of the eighth house in the sixth house clearly indicate disputes in married life. The marital discord started during the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Venus and separation took place in the sub-period of Saturn. The divorce took place in the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Venus.
CHART 7: Female born 14th November, 1954, 1032 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon becomes also a functional malefic planet. The most effective point of the seventh house is severely afflicted by the exact conjunction of the most malefic planet, the Moon, and the close malefic influence of the Rahu-Ketu axis, which makes not only the seventh house very weak but also the prime determinant of marriage, the Moon, as the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by itself. The Sun is weak as it is debilitated and in old-age. Venus is very weak as it is almost exactly combust and in extreme old-age. Jupiter, the lord of the ascendant, is weak as it is badly placed, its dispositor is weak and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted by the Moon. Mercury is weak as its dispositor is weak. Mercury is also closely afflicted by the functional malefic planet, Ketu. Saturn is weak as it is combust and its dispositor is weak. The Sun, Venus, Saturn and Mercury become additionally weak as the most effective point of their house of placement is closely afflicted by Ketu. Mars is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa and occupies the second house. The severe afflictions to the most effective point of the seventh house and the simultaneous weakness of the prime determinant of marriage, the significator of husband and the significator of marriage resulted into a marital discord. The husband abandoned the native and remarried without even a formal divorce. The native is living with her parents.
CHART 8: Female born 10th October, 1945, 2230 Hrs., Sargoda, India (Now Pakistan).
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. Rahu and Ketu are on the most effective point of the houses of their location and exactly afflict all the houses occupied and aspected. The lord of the fourth house is both combust and in extreme old-age and hence very weak. The lord of the second house, ruling family life, is debilitated and badly placed in the sixth house signifying disputes. The lord of the seventh house and significator for husband is also weak as it is combust, its dispositor is weak and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. Venus, the significator of marriage, is weak as it is in old-age, its dispositor is weak and the most effective points of its house of placement and its mooltrikona house are exactly afflicted by Ketu and Rahu, respectively. The simultaneous weakness of all the determinants and significators of marriage resulted in inharmonious marital relationships. The marriage of the native saw an end during the main period of Venus and the sub-period of Jupiter.
CHART 31: Female born 22nd June, 1966, 0900 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the second house, the Sun, is weak as it is badly placed. The lord of the third house, Mercury, is weak as it is in infancy and is exactly afflicted by Ketu. As Mercury rules her initiatives, the affliction to Mercury gives faulty decisions. The lord of the fourth house, Venus, is weak as it is in infancy and is exactly afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. It is also closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, Saturn. Jupiter is weak as it is badly placed and combust. The weakness of two determinants of marriage, the lords of the second and fourth houses, the significator of husband, Jupiter, and the affliction to the lord of the fourth house, which is also the general significator of marriage, clearly show lack of marital happiness. The first marriage of the native ended in a quick divorce in the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Venus. The native was remarried in the following sub-period of Saturn, the eighth lord, after performance of remedial measures suggested to her.
- The most effective point of the houses signifying marriage, which are the seventh, second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses.
- The determinants of marriage i.e. the planets ruling the mooltrikona houses signifying marriage.
- Jupiter as significator for the husband.
- Venus as significator for wife and general significator of marriage.
- The sign Libra, which is the seventh house of the natural zodiac.
The weak planets delay the marriage while the close or exact afflictions to weak planets becoming indicators of marriage cause marriage problems.
The functional malefic planets, especially Mars, the lord of the sixth house or Ketu forming relationship either with the ascendant, the seventh or second or fourth house or their lords make the native aggressive and ill-tempered if the benefic influence of strong functional benefic planets is absent. Rahu or Ketu joining hands closely with the functional malefic planet, Mars, make the native/spouse stray and that becomes the reason for the discord. The selfish nature of any of the married partners is governed by the weakness of Jupiter. The debilitated planets in second house close to the most effective point or the lord of the second in debilitation also indicate marital discord.
The marital discord has two dimensions: a peaceful separation/divorce or quarrels/disputes followed by criminal law-suits. The separations and loss of happy married life are caused by the functional malefic planets whenever they closely influence the house(s) signifying marriage and/or the determinant planet(s) and/or the significator planet(s). When such a planetary relationship/influence is developed by the involvement of the lord of the sixth house or the lords of the ascendant, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house joining the sixth house start operating, disputes leading to criminal law-suits followed by divorce start.
Let us discuss the matter further through some case studies:
CHART 1: Male born 10th April, 1948, 0403 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Aquarius rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon and Mercury become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the eighth house is debilitated and placed in the second house. The lord of the seventh house is weak as it is in old-age. The lords of the third house and ascendant are placed in the sixth house. The lord of the sixth house is placed in the third house. The planetary configuration of third and ascendant lords in the sixth and sixth lord in third house makes the person quarrelsome, especially when one runs the sub-periods of the planets involved. The native saw the main periods of both the Moon and Mars and saw enormous incidence of disputes in life with all concerned. The placement of the most malefic planet in the second house gave him problems in the marital relationships. The native was also involved in the marital disputes and his marriage ended in a divorce.
CHART 2: Female born 21st January, 1963, 2000 Hrs, New Delhi, India.
The sign Leo rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon becomes also a functional malefic planet. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and exactly afflict all the houses occupied and aspected besides closely afflicting both the lord of the ascendant and the second house placed in the sixth house. Venus and the Moon are weak as the most effective point of their house of placement is exactly afflicted by the aspect of Rahu from the twelfth house. Venus is additionally weak by being closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, the Moon. The lord of the seventh house is weak as it is combust, badly placed and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. Jupiter is weak as its dispositor is weak. Mars is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated, in the state of old-age, has a weak dispositor and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. There are four planets in the house of disputes which clearly show the incidence of disputes in married life as the lords of the second and seventh houses are also involved. Aiding the negative combinations was operation of the main period of the afflicted Venus. During the sub-period of the afflicted Sun, placed in the sixth house, the marital relationship became inharmonious. The following sub-periods of the Moon, Mars and Rahu did not favor any improvement. The inharmonious relationship and separation continued. The native, who approached for astrological help, was advised not to go in for a divorce as the natal configurations do not show improvement in any further marital alliance, as well. Therefore, for improving the relationship in the present marital alliance, she was suggested remedial measures for warding off the evil influences of the functional malefic planets and strengthening of the weak planets.
CHART 3: Female 12th October, 1962, 2222 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. The lord of the ninth house, Saturn, is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated in navamsa and is under the multiple affliction of Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the seventh house is weak as its dispositor is weak. Venus is weak as it is badly placed and is in infancy. The lord of the second house, the Moon, is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is under the multiple afflictions of Rahu and Ketu. The Moon is additionally weak by being closely afflicted in the rasi chart. Mars is debilitated and occupies the afflicted second house. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected. Mercury, the lord of the fourth house, is under the special affliction of Ketu from the eighth house. Besides the above mentioned afflictions to the planets, the affliction to the most effective points of the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses caused disturbance in marital relationship and resulted in a serious marital discord. During the sub-period of Mars, the inharmonious relationship started which was aggravated in the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Ketu. During the sub-period of the weak lord of the seventh house, the divorce proceedings were started which were finalised in the sub-period of Saturn.
CHART 4: Male born 5th September, 1960, 1643 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Sun and Jupiter become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the second house is weak as it is badly placed and its dispositor is weak. The lord of the ninth house, dispositor of Venus, is weak as it is badly placed. The lord of the seventh house, the Moon, is weak as its dispositor is weak and it is exactly afflicted by the most malefic planet, the Sun, from the eighth house. The lords of the seventh, eighth, ninth and second houses are closely afflicted by the close conjunction/aspect of Rahu/Ketu. Venus, the significator for wife, is weak as it is debilitated and its dispositor is weak. Since in this chart the determinants of marriage and the significator of marriage are all weak and some of them are also afflicted, the problems of inharmonious relations started right from the beginning of the sub-period of Venus, in the main period of Saturn. In the following sub-period of the afflicted Sun, the behavior of the wife went from bad to worse. The divorce took place in the sub-period of Rahu which causes multiple and grave afflictions in the chart. Whenever a particular significator is in its sign of debilitation, the concerned relations fail to fulfill the aspirations of the native.
CHART 5: Male born 1st October, 1959, 0700 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Saturn, Mars and the Sun become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the second house is badly placed in the twelfth house and is weak. Rahu and Ketu closely afflict the lord of the twelfth house. The most malefic planet, Mars, exactly afflicts the house occupied and houses aspected besides exactly afflicting the lord of the ascendant. The Moon is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated in navamsa and its dispositor is weak. The lord of the sixth house occupies the fourth house. Ketu closely influences the lord of the fourth house. In view of the weakness of the lord of the second house and the exact afflictions of Mars to the most effective points of various houses connected with marital affairs, the length of married life was cut short for a period of four months only. The divorce took place immediately after the marriage, in the sub-period of Rahu in its own main period.
CHART 6: Male born 8th October, 1951, 0455 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Saturn, Mars and the Sun become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the second house is weak as it is badly placed and is closely afflicted by Mars, Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the ascendant is weak as it is combust and is closely afflicted by functional malefic planets, Saturn and the Sun. The lord of the sixth house is weak as it is combust. The Moon and Jupiter are strong in the chart. The native married during the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Mars, at the age of 30 years. In spite of all efforts of the native to keep the wife pleased with all types of material comforts and possessions, the relations remained inharmonious from the very beginning due to the operation of the sub-period of the sixth lord. The disputes aggravated in the sub-period of Ketu and the wife deserted the native with a permanent separation. The divorce proceedings were initiated towards the end of the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Rahu.
CHART 6: Female born 5th May, 1959, 1204 Hrs., Ludhiana, India.
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the eighth house, ruling the marital tie is placed in the house of disputes. Rahu closely aspects the most effective point of the seventh house and afflicts the same. The lord of the fourth house, Venus, is weak as it is in infancy and is badly placed. The lord of the third house, Mercury, is weak as it is debilitated. As Mercury is dispositor of Rahu, which afflicts the seventh house, the impact of Rahu becomes more serious. Mars, the dispositor of the Sun, is weak as it is badly placed. The lord of the second house, the Sun, is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa and its dispositor is weak. The weakness of the lords of the second, fourth and eighth houses, affliction to the most effective point of the seventh house and the placement of the lord of the eighth house in the sixth house clearly indicate disputes in married life. The marital discord started during the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Venus and separation took place in the sub-period of Saturn. The divorce took place in the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Venus.
CHART 7: Female born 14th November, 1954, 1032 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon becomes also a functional malefic planet. The most effective point of the seventh house is severely afflicted by the exact conjunction of the most malefic planet, the Moon, and the close malefic influence of the Rahu-Ketu axis, which makes not only the seventh house very weak but also the prime determinant of marriage, the Moon, as the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by itself. The Sun is weak as it is debilitated and in old-age. Venus is very weak as it is almost exactly combust and in extreme old-age. Jupiter, the lord of the ascendant, is weak as it is badly placed, its dispositor is weak and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted by the Moon. Mercury is weak as its dispositor is weak. Mercury is also closely afflicted by the functional malefic planet, Ketu. Saturn is weak as it is combust and its dispositor is weak. The Sun, Venus, Saturn and Mercury become additionally weak as the most effective point of their house of placement is closely afflicted by Ketu. Mars is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa and occupies the second house. The severe afflictions to the most effective point of the seventh house and the simultaneous weakness of the prime determinant of marriage, the significator of husband and the significator of marriage resulted into a marital discord. The husband abandoned the native and remarried without even a formal divorce. The native is living with her parents.
CHART 8: Female born 10th October, 1945, 2230 Hrs., Sargoda, India (Now Pakistan).
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. Rahu and Ketu are on the most effective point of the houses of their location and exactly afflict all the houses occupied and aspected. The lord of the fourth house is both combust and in extreme old-age and hence very weak. The lord of the second house, ruling family life, is debilitated and badly placed in the sixth house signifying disputes. The lord of the seventh house and significator for husband is also weak as it is combust, its dispositor is weak and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. Venus, the significator of marriage, is weak as it is in old-age, its dispositor is weak and the most effective points of its house of placement and its mooltrikona house are exactly afflicted by Ketu and Rahu, respectively. The simultaneous weakness of all the determinants and significators of marriage resulted in inharmonious marital relationships. The marriage of the native saw an end during the main period of Venus and the sub-period of Jupiter.
CHART 31: Female born 22nd June, 1966, 0900 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn become also functional malefic planets. The lord of the second house, the Sun, is weak as it is badly placed. The lord of the third house, Mercury, is weak as it is in infancy and is exactly afflicted by Ketu. As Mercury rules her initiatives, the affliction to Mercury gives faulty decisions. The lord of the fourth house, Venus, is weak as it is in infancy and is exactly afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. It is also closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, Saturn. Jupiter is weak as it is badly placed and combust. The weakness of two determinants of marriage, the lords of the second and fourth houses, the significator of husband, Jupiter, and the affliction to the lord of the fourth house, which is also the general significator of marriage, clearly show lack of marital happiness. The first marriage of the native ended in a quick divorce in the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Venus. The native was remarried in the following sub-period of Saturn, the eighth lord, after performance of remedial measures suggested to her.
Mental capabilities of a man like understanding, intelligence and analytic powers differentiate him from animals. The power of understanding helps in learning and power of analysis/discrimination helps in developing innovating techniques and problem solving skills. The purpose of the human beings can only be achieved if they have mental capabilities. The brain is the part of the body which provides fruition of mental capabilities. Therefore the brain, which is ruled by the first house and the sign Aries, is the most important functional part of the human body. The power of understanding is governed by the strength of the third and fourth house and the Moon. The intelligence is governed by the fifth house and the Sun and the power of analysis/discrimination is governed by the strength of the planet Mercury.
The weakness of and affliction to the lagna, the third, fourth and fifth houses, the Moon, the Sun and Mercury retard the growth of the mental capabilities and cause suffering to a native by denying the power of learning, acquiring intelligence and doing analytical work during the sub-period of weak and afflicted significators. The weakness of planets/houses only delays and makes them more vulnerable to natal and transit afflictions. Whereas affliction tries to destroy, deny and cause sufferings to their significations. On the functional and/or physical side, it causes diseases like epilepsy, brain hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, etc.
CHART 1: Male born 31st March, 1960, 0759 Hrs., Gurgaon (India)
The sign Aries rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the ascendant turns weak due to the close affliction of the most effective point of the house of its placement. The lord of the fourth house, the Moon, is weak as it is in infancy and exactly afflicted by Rahu from the sixth house. The lord of the fifth house, the Sun, is weak as it is badly placed. Mercury closely aspects and afflicts the most effective point of the fifth house. Saturn is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is closely afflicted by Mercury. Venus and Mercury are weak as their dispositor is weak. Jupiter is the only planet which is strong and placed in its own mooltrikona house. At birth the native was running the main period of the Sun, ruling the fifth house. The main period of the Sun was followed by the main period of the Moon, which is severely afflicted in the chart. The native, though having a good physical health, is mentally retarded and could not study even up to the middle standard.
CHART 2: Male born 6th March, 1972, 1320 Hrs, New Delhi, India.
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. The fourth house is ruled by Mercury which is weak for being debilitated. Mercury becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Ketu. The Moon is absolutely weak as it is badly placed, debilitated and in extreme infancy. The Sun, representing intelligence, is weak as its dispositor is weak. Saturn is weak as it is badly placed. It becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Rahu from the eighth house. The Sun, the Moon and Mercury are all quite weak. When the native was of just ten months, the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Jupiter started. Then the main period of weak and afflicted Saturn started. First of all, Saturn had its own sub-period in its own main period. The following sub-periods of weak and afflicted Mercury and of Ketu, which is afflicting Mercury, caused numerous health problems to the native and turned him mentally retarded. The parents, too, had fairly bad time as the fourth house, the ninth house, the Sun and the Moon representing parents, are all weak, and the lords of these houses are both afflicted.
CHART 3: Male born 5th December, 1976, 1005 Hrs., Bhiwani, India.
The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Sun and Jupiter become also functional malefic planets. The Moon is weak as it is in infancy and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. It becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Jupiter. Mercury is weak as it is badly placed, in infancy and occupies the mooltrikona sign of weak Jupiter. Venus is weak as it is in infancy, it is exactly afflicted by Jupiter and its house of placement is also exactly afflicted. Saturn is weak as its dispositor is weak. Jupiter is weak as it is in infancy, debilitated in navamsa and its house of placement is exactly afflicted by itself. Mars, being lord of the fourth house, is weak as it is combust and the most effective point of its house of placement is afflicted by Jupiter. Mars is additionally weak for being closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, the Sun. The Sun is weak as the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The most effective points of the ascendant and the fifth house are exactly afflicted by Jupiter.
All factors, the ascendant, the Moon, Mercury, the Sun, the fourth house and the fifth house are weak. The native had the main period of the weak lord of the eighth house in operation at the time of birth followed by the main period of the weak and afflicted Moon and weak and afflicted Mars. The native had retarded physical and mental growth.
CHART 4: Male born 3rd July, 1981, 1500 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The Moon is weak as it is closely afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. Venus, the lord of the ascendant, is weak as its dispositor is weak. Venus becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. Jupiter, ruling growth, is weak as it is badly placed, occupies the mooltrikona sign of weak Mercury and is exactly afflicted by Ketu. Saturn, ruling intelligence, is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated in navamsa and its dispositor is weak. Saturn becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Ketu. Mercury is weak as it is in infancy. Mars is weak as it is badly placed and in old age. The Sun is the only strong planet in this nativity. The sub-periods of Venus, the Moon, Mars and Rahu in the main period of badly placed and afflicted Saturn were detrimental to the physical and mental health of the child. The next main period of the functional malefic planet, Mercury did not indicate any improvement. The child was mentally retarded and had been a hydrocephalic requiring many surgical operations from time to time. The native saw the end of life in the sub-period of Mercury in its own main period after experiencing all types of physical sufferings.
CHART 5: Male born 10th January, 1983, 1253 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Aries rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the ascendant, Mars, is weak as it is in infancy and its dispositor is weak. Saturn is weak as it is exactly afflicted by Rahu. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected, except the seventh house as Venus is strong. Mercury, ruling analytical power, is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa. The Moon, ruling the fourth house, is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated in rasi and debilitated in navamsa. Jupiter is weak as it is badly placed. The Sun, ruling the fifth house and intelligence, is weak as it is in old age and its dispositor is weak. At birth the native was in the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of weak and afflicted, Saturn. This was followed by the sub-period of weak Jupiter. These sub-periods posed many health problems to the native. During the sub-period of Mercury in its own main period the child started suffering from epileptic fits, which were aggravated in the following sub-period of Ketu. The propitiatory and strengthening remedial measures were suggested for the afflicting and weak planets, respectively, to prevent recurrence of fits. The performance of astral remedies did show improvement but the mental growth of the child remained semi-retarded.
CHART 6: Female born 10th July, 1986, 1312 Hrs., Delhi, India.
The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. Venus, the lord of the ascendant, is weak as it is in infancy and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis within an orb of two degrees. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected including the ascendant. The Moon is weak as it is in old-age, and becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Rahu. Saturn, ruling intellect, is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted by Ketu. Mercury, ruling analytical power, is weak as its dispositor is weak. Jupiter ruling growth is weak as it is in old-age and its dispositor is weak. The child was born in the main period of functional malefic planet, Mercury. During early childhood, she remained mentally retarded and was suffering from epileptic fits. The propitiatory and strengthening remedial measures were suggested for the afflicting and weak planets, respectively. The performance of the astral remedies did show improvement.
CHART 7: Male born 3rd October, 1988, 0130 Hrs., Delhi, India.
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn become also functional malefic planets. The Moon, being lord of the ascendant, is weak as it is badly placed, and becomes additionally weak as it is closely afflicted by Rahu from the eighth house. The lord of the third house, Mercury, ruling growth is weak as it is in infancy, its dispositor is weak and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The Sun is weak as its dispositor is weak and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The Sun becomes additionally weak as it is closely afflicted by Jupiter. Venus, the lord of the fourth house, too, is weak as it is in infancy and its dispositor is weak. The most effective points of the eleventh, third and fifth houses are exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The third and eleventh houses rule ears. The exact affliction to the most effective points of these houses with weakness of the third lord turned the child deaf and dumb which resulted in mental retardation. The child was born in the sub-period of the weak and afflicted Sun in the main period of Rahu. The child started suffering from epileptic fits. The propitiatory and strengthening remedial measures were suggested for the afflicting and weak planets, respectively. The performance of the astrological remedial measures did show some improvement in the case of epileptic fits. The child also started responding to the treatment for his dumbness.
CHART 8: Male born 15th November, 1953, 0455 Hrs.,Delhi, India.
The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected including the fourth and sixth houses. Mercury, ruling analytical faculties, is weak as it is combust and in old-age. The debilitated and old-aged Sun is exactly afflicted by Mercury. The Moon is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is under the multiple affliction of Rahu-Ketu axis within an orb of two degrees. Jupiter, ruling the house of growth, is weak as it is in infancy. The lord of the ascendant and the fifth house are strong in this chart. The native first experienced mental ill health during the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Rahu as Mercury is closely afflicting the weak Sun. Slowly and slowly the native started suffering from epileptic fits. The strength of Venus and Saturn helped the native through medication and the performance of astrological remedial measures.
Mental capabilities of a man like understanding, intelligence and analytic powers differentiate him from animals. The power of understanding helps in learning and power of analysis/discrimination helps in developing innovating techniques and problem solving skills. The purpose of the human beings can only be achieved if they have mental capabilities. The brain is the part of the body which provides fruition of mental capabilities. Therefore the brain, which is ruled by the first house and the sign Aries, is the most important functional part of the human body. The power of understanding is governed by the strength of the third and fourth house and the Moon. The intelligence is governed by the fifth house and the Sun and the power of analysis/discrimination is governed by the strength of the planet Mercury.
The weakness of and affliction to the lagna, the third, fourth and fifth houses, the Moon, the Sun and Mercury retard the growth of the mental capabilities and cause suffering to a native by denying the power of learning, acquiring intelligence and doing analytical work during the sub-period of weak and afflicted significators. The weakness of planets/houses only delays and makes them more vulnerable to natal and transit afflictions. Whereas affliction tries to destroy, deny and cause sufferings to their significations. On the functional and/or physical side, it causes diseases like epilepsy, brain hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, etc.
CHART 1: Male born 31st March, 1960, 0759 Hrs., Gurgaon (India)
The sign Aries rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the ascendant turns weak due to the close affliction of the most effective point of the house of its placement. The lord of the fourth house, the Moon, is weak as it is in infancy and exactly afflicted by Rahu from the sixth house. The lord of the fifth house, the Sun, is weak as it is badly placed. Mercury closely aspects and afflicts the most effective point of the fifth house. Saturn is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is closely afflicted by Mercury. Venus and Mercury are weak as their dispositor is weak. Jupiter is the only planet which is strong and placed in its own mooltrikona house. At birth the native was running the main period of the Sun, ruling the fifth house. The main period of the Sun was followed by the main period of the Moon, which is severely afflicted in the chart. The native, though having a good physical health, is mentally retarded and could not study even up to the middle standard.
CHART 2: Male born 6th March, 1972, 1320 Hrs, New Delhi, India.
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. The fourth house is ruled by Mercury which is weak for being debilitated. Mercury becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Ketu. The Moon is absolutely weak as it is badly placed, debilitated and in extreme infancy. The Sun, representing intelligence, is weak as its dispositor is weak. Saturn is weak as it is badly placed. It becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Rahu from the eighth house. The Sun, the Moon and Mercury are all quite weak. When the native was of just ten months, the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Jupiter started. Then the main period of weak and afflicted Saturn started. First of all, Saturn had its own sub-period in its own main period. The following sub-periods of weak and afflicted Mercury and of Ketu, which is afflicting Mercury, caused numerous health problems to the native and turned him mentally retarded. The parents, too, had fairly bad time as the fourth house, the ninth house, the Sun and the Moon representing parents, are all weak, and the lords of these houses are both afflicted.
CHART 3: Male born 5th December, 1976, 1005 Hrs., Bhiwani, India.
The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Sun and Jupiter become also functional malefic planets. The Moon is weak as it is in infancy and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. It becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Jupiter. Mercury is weak as it is badly placed, in infancy and occupies the mooltrikona sign of weak Jupiter. Venus is weak as it is in infancy, it is exactly afflicted by Jupiter and its house of placement is also exactly afflicted. Saturn is weak as its dispositor is weak. Jupiter is weak as it is in infancy, debilitated in navamsa and its house of placement is exactly afflicted by itself. Mars, being lord of the fourth house, is weak as it is combust and the most effective point of its house of placement is afflicted by Jupiter. Mars is additionally weak for being closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, the Sun. The Sun is weak as the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The most effective points of the ascendant and the fifth house are exactly afflicted by Jupiter.
All factors, the ascendant, the Moon, Mercury, the Sun, the fourth house and the fifth house are weak. The native had the main period of the weak lord of the eighth house in operation at the time of birth followed by the main period of the weak and afflicted Moon and weak and afflicted Mars. The native had retarded physical and mental growth.
CHART 4: Male born 3rd July, 1981, 1500 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The Moon is weak as it is closely afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. Venus, the lord of the ascendant, is weak as its dispositor is weak. Venus becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. Jupiter, ruling growth, is weak as it is badly placed, occupies the mooltrikona sign of weak Mercury and is exactly afflicted by Ketu. Saturn, ruling intelligence, is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated in navamsa and its dispositor is weak. Saturn becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Ketu. Mercury is weak as it is in infancy. Mars is weak as it is badly placed and in old age. The Sun is the only strong planet in this nativity. The sub-periods of Venus, the Moon, Mars and Rahu in the main period of badly placed and afflicted Saturn were detrimental to the physical and mental health of the child. The next main period of the functional malefic planet, Mercury did not indicate any improvement. The child was mentally retarded and had been a hydrocephalic requiring many surgical operations from time to time. The native saw the end of life in the sub-period of Mercury in its own main period after experiencing all types of physical sufferings.
CHART 5: Male born 10th January, 1983, 1253 Hrs., New Delhi, India.
The sign Aries rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the ascendant, Mars, is weak as it is in infancy and its dispositor is weak. Saturn is weak as it is exactly afflicted by Rahu. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected, except the seventh house as Venus is strong. Mercury, ruling analytical power, is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa. The Moon, ruling the fourth house, is weak as it is badly placed, debilitated in rasi and debilitated in navamsa. Jupiter is weak as it is badly placed. The Sun, ruling the fifth house and intelligence, is weak as it is in old age and its dispositor is weak. At birth the native was in the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of weak and afflicted, Saturn. This was followed by the sub-period of weak Jupiter. These sub-periods posed many health problems to the native. During the sub-period of Mercury in its own main period the child started suffering from epileptic fits, which were aggravated in the following sub-period of Ketu. The propitiatory and strengthening remedial measures were suggested for the afflicting and weak planets, respectively, to prevent recurrence of fits. The performance of astral remedies did show improvement but the mental growth of the child remained semi-retarded.
CHART 6: Female born 10th July, 1986, 1312 Hrs., Delhi, India.
The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. Venus, the lord of the ascendant, is weak as it is in infancy and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis within an orb of two degrees. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected including the ascendant. The Moon is weak as it is in old-age, and becomes additionally weak for being closely afflicted by Rahu. Saturn, ruling intellect, is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted by Ketu. Mercury, ruling analytical power, is weak as its dispositor is weak. Jupiter ruling growth is weak as it is in old-age and its dispositor is weak. The child was born in the main period of functional malefic planet, Mercury. During early childhood, she remained mentally retarded and was suffering from epileptic fits. The propitiatory and strengthening remedial measures were suggested for the afflicting and weak planets, respectively. The performance of the astral remedies did show improvement.
CHART 7: Male born 3rd October, 1988, 0130 Hrs., Delhi, India.
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn become also functional malefic planets. The Moon, being lord of the ascendant, is weak as it is badly placed, and becomes additionally weak as it is closely afflicted by Rahu from the eighth house. The lord of the third house, Mercury, ruling growth is weak as it is in infancy, its dispositor is weak and the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The Sun is weak as its dispositor is weak and the most effective point of its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The Sun becomes additionally weak as it is closely afflicted by Jupiter. Venus, the lord of the fourth house, too, is weak as it is in infancy and its dispositor is weak. The most effective points of the eleventh, third and fifth houses are exactly afflicted by Jupiter. The third and eleventh houses rule ears. The exact affliction to the most effective points of these houses with weakness of the third lord turned the child deaf and dumb which resulted in mental retardation. The child was born in the sub-period of the weak and afflicted Sun in the main period of Rahu. The child started suffering from epileptic fits. The propitiatory and strengthening remedial measures were suggested for the afflicting and weak planets, respectively. The performance of the astrological remedial measures did show some improvement in the case of epileptic fits. The child also started responding to the treatment for his dumbness.
CHART 8: Male born 15th November, 1953, 0455 Hrs.,Delhi, India.
The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict all the houses occupied and aspected including the fourth and sixth houses. Mercury, ruling analytical faculties, is weak as it is combust and in old-age. The debilitated and old-aged Sun is exactly afflicted by Mercury. The Moon is weak as the most effective point of its mooltrikona house is under the multiple affliction of Rahu-Ketu axis within an orb of two degrees. Jupiter, ruling the house of growth, is weak as it is in infancy. The lord of the ascendant and the fifth house are strong in this chart. The native first experienced mental ill health during the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Rahu as Mercury is closely afflicting the weak Sun. Slowly and slowly the native started suffering from epileptic fits. The strength of Venus and Saturn helped the native through medication and the performance of astrological remedial measures.
HOROSCOPE: We judge the horoscope through an integrated analytical technique as per Systems' Approach. But before that let us bring out the methodology for a quick overall view of the horoscope.
As a golden principle to avoid disgrace to the science and the astrologers, no attempt for prediction should be made until and unless the horoscope has been cast properly with divisional charts, the planetary strengths have been identified and the operating planetary periods and sub-periods have been worked out.
The classics opine that the predictions made by astrologers well versed in calculating planetary longitudes and proficient in astrological lore cannot go wrong. We believe the predictions made after due consideration of the strength of planets, prevalent sub-periods, etc., with a peaceful mind have greater probability of coming true.
HOROSCOPE: PRIME FACTORS FOR INTERPRETATION / ANALYSIS / JUDGEMENTFirst of all, the position of the lord of ascendant and the ascendant is to be seen as the whole activity revolves around the ascendant. The lord of the ascendant would be applicable only to those ascendants which contain mooltrikona sign of a planet, but in all cases we have to see the influences of the various planets on the first house either by placement or conjunction/aspect over its most effective point. All the results of the chart are to be felt by the native concerned and in case the ascendant is weak or the longevity is less, the various effects of the chart would be of no use to the native. Next comes the strength of the Moon as only a sound mind can provide the native opportunities for rise in life. If the Moon is strong and has the help of a favorable Mercury and Jupiter, the native can make best use of opportunities available to him. The Moon is also the significator of mother and, if strong, it would bless the native with motherly comforts for proper development of life. Then comes the Sun and the ninth or fourth house, whichever contains first a mooltrikona sign, both factors related with father, who supports the native in the early years of life so to say till the child is competent to lead his/her own life. If the Sun, the ninth house and the fourth house are weak and afflicted, the father of the native has short life or lacks the power to support the native. In fact, if all these factors i.e. the ascendant, the Moon, the Sun, the ninth house and the fourth house are strong in a nativity, the native would get opportunities for advancement in life; so to say he/she has the capacity and chance to learn and to make use of it. Where there is no mooltrikona sign in the ninth and fourth houses, as happens with Libra ascendant, we examine about the father from the Sun and the influences on both houses.
HOROSCOPE INTERPRETATION TOOLS: The horoscopic influences are studied through the natal conjunctions, aspects and placements. The conjunctions and aspects help us in identifying the auspicious and inauspicious planetary configurations. The placement of a planet in a particular house links the significations of its mooltrikona house with the significations of its house of placement. A planet placed in a malefic house indicates suffering for the significations ruled by the said planet in the nativity.
The integrated analytical technique will focus on a stepwise approach:Step IDouble check the correctness of birth data. If any doubt subsists, rectification should be done before anything else.
Step IIAfter the horoscope has been cast properly with divisional charts, identify the functional nature of the planets from the ascendant, the most effective point, the most malefic planet and the most benefic planet. Underline the functional malefic planets.
Step IIIFind out the strength of planets, check to see if any planet is weak for several reasons, identify the natal auspicious and inauspicious close conjunctions/aspects and encircle planets/MEPs closely afflicted, identify the natal placements and have a comprehension of the weak and strong areas of the chart.
Step IVFind out the current operating dasas (the main and sub-period lords) for the date in question. Identify the house where the mooltrikona sign of the sub-period lord is placed and the natal/transit houses occupied by the sub-period lord. In this approach we will primarily consider the sub-period lord.
Step VFor the transits on the date in question, find out the natal and transit strength of the sub-period lord and determine the triple transit triggering influence i.e. from Transit to Natal, Transit to Transit, and Natal to Transit (not forgetting the special aspects of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu). Identify also forthcoming TTT auspicious and inauspicious close influences.
Step VIAssess longevity: If a mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant, pay special attention to the longevity by seeing the strength of planets and the functional nature of the operating planets i.e. the main and sub-period lords. Most of the planets being weak and afflictions to the ascendant or to the ascendant lord with operating period of functional malefics give short life. Similarly placed planets with operating period of functional benefics give middle span of life. Weak planets keep the significations to a lower level, if unafflicted. Severely afflicted planets cause tragedies or fatal diseases. The operating periods reduce/increase the impact. Pay special attention to the transit strength of operating planets.
For detailed study of the aspect of longevity, the readers may refer to How to Judge Longevity write-up, separately.
Step VIIBy using the dasas and transits, combine these to see the current and future trends. Make your predictions for the different planetary periods.
Prescribe the astrological/jyotish remedies.
Note: For various aspects of life you may refer to “Order of Significations” list at my website or in my book, Self Learning Course in Astrology. This list will assist you to identify the primary and secondary significators.
HOROSCOPE - GENERAL ASSESSMENT: The general assessment of the chart will indicate the significations of the houses/planets which will prominently surface in life depending upon the strength of planets. The specific trend results will be indicated at any particular time by the operating sub-period lord depending upon its functional nature and natal and transit strength. For analysing any particular significations, strength of the house, the lord of the house and the significator of the house is considered. If the ascendant is having a mooltrikona sign and its lord is weak, the other weak planets show that the physical parts of the body ruled by such weak planets will suffer.
For the house-wise analysis of horoscopes please refer to the other posts on this blog.
As a golden principle to avoid disgrace to the science and the astrologers, no attempt for prediction should be made until and unless the horoscope has been cast properly with divisional charts, the planetary strengths have been identified and the operating planetary periods and sub-periods have been worked out.
The classics opine that the predictions made by astrologers well versed in calculating planetary longitudes and proficient in astrological lore cannot go wrong. We believe the predictions made after due consideration of the strength of planets, prevalent sub-periods, etc., with a peaceful mind have greater probability of coming true.
HOROSCOPE: PRIME FACTORS FOR INTERPRETATION / ANALYSIS / JUDGEMENTFirst of all, the position of the lord of ascendant and the ascendant is to be seen as the whole activity revolves around the ascendant. The lord of the ascendant would be applicable only to those ascendants which contain mooltrikona sign of a planet, but in all cases we have to see the influences of the various planets on the first house either by placement or conjunction/aspect over its most effective point. All the results of the chart are to be felt by the native concerned and in case the ascendant is weak or the longevity is less, the various effects of the chart would be of no use to the native. Next comes the strength of the Moon as only a sound mind can provide the native opportunities for rise in life. If the Moon is strong and has the help of a favorable Mercury and Jupiter, the native can make best use of opportunities available to him. The Moon is also the significator of mother and, if strong, it would bless the native with motherly comforts for proper development of life. Then comes the Sun and the ninth or fourth house, whichever contains first a mooltrikona sign, both factors related with father, who supports the native in the early years of life so to say till the child is competent to lead his/her own life. If the Sun, the ninth house and the fourth house are weak and afflicted, the father of the native has short life or lacks the power to support the native. In fact, if all these factors i.e. the ascendant, the Moon, the Sun, the ninth house and the fourth house are strong in a nativity, the native would get opportunities for advancement in life; so to say he/she has the capacity and chance to learn and to make use of it. Where there is no mooltrikona sign in the ninth and fourth houses, as happens with Libra ascendant, we examine about the father from the Sun and the influences on both houses.
HOROSCOPE INTERPRETATION TOOLS: The horoscopic influences are studied through the natal conjunctions, aspects and placements. The conjunctions and aspects help us in identifying the auspicious and inauspicious planetary configurations. The placement of a planet in a particular house links the significations of its mooltrikona house with the significations of its house of placement. A planet placed in a malefic house indicates suffering for the significations ruled by the said planet in the nativity.
The integrated analytical technique will focus on a stepwise approach:Step IDouble check the correctness of birth data. If any doubt subsists, rectification should be done before anything else.
Step IIAfter the horoscope has been cast properly with divisional charts, identify the functional nature of the planets from the ascendant, the most effective point, the most malefic planet and the most benefic planet. Underline the functional malefic planets.
Step IIIFind out the strength of planets, check to see if any planet is weak for several reasons, identify the natal auspicious and inauspicious close conjunctions/aspects and encircle planets/MEPs closely afflicted, identify the natal placements and have a comprehension of the weak and strong areas of the chart.
Step IVFind out the current operating dasas (the main and sub-period lords) for the date in question. Identify the house where the mooltrikona sign of the sub-period lord is placed and the natal/transit houses occupied by the sub-period lord. In this approach we will primarily consider the sub-period lord.
Step VFor the transits on the date in question, find out the natal and transit strength of the sub-period lord and determine the triple transit triggering influence i.e. from Transit to Natal, Transit to Transit, and Natal to Transit (not forgetting the special aspects of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu). Identify also forthcoming TTT auspicious and inauspicious close influences.
Step VIAssess longevity: If a mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant, pay special attention to the longevity by seeing the strength of planets and the functional nature of the operating planets i.e. the main and sub-period lords. Most of the planets being weak and afflictions to the ascendant or to the ascendant lord with operating period of functional malefics give short life. Similarly placed planets with operating period of functional benefics give middle span of life. Weak planets keep the significations to a lower level, if unafflicted. Severely afflicted planets cause tragedies or fatal diseases. The operating periods reduce/increase the impact. Pay special attention to the transit strength of operating planets.
For detailed study of the aspect of longevity, the readers may refer to How to Judge Longevity write-up, separately.
Step VIIBy using the dasas and transits, combine these to see the current and future trends. Make your predictions for the different planetary periods.
Prescribe the astrological/jyotish remedies.
Note: For various aspects of life you may refer to “Order of Significations” list at my website or in my book, Self Learning Course in Astrology. This list will assist you to identify the primary and secondary significators.
HOROSCOPE - GENERAL ASSESSMENT: The general assessment of the chart will indicate the significations of the houses/planets which will prominently surface in life depending upon the strength of planets. The specific trend results will be indicated at any particular time by the operating sub-period lord depending upon its functional nature and natal and transit strength. For analysing any particular significations, strength of the house, the lord of the house and the significator of the house is considered. If the ascendant is having a mooltrikona sign and its lord is weak, the other weak planets show that the physical parts of the body ruled by such weak planets will suffer.
For the house-wise analysis of horoscopes please refer to the other posts on this blog.
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